NDI Medical Standard Surgical Protocol

Installation recommendations for NDI Medical dental implants of following series: Optimum, Prime, Maximum, Short, Ridge+, Effective+

Picture 1. Adequate anesthesia shall be applied. Then, at the top of the alveolar bridge, a cut should be made using scalpel.

Picture 2. Using a raspatory, mucosa shall be separated.

Picture 3. Using a sphere burr, an optimal place on the alveolar bridge should be spotted. 1500 rpm recommended.

Picture 4. Using bone (or pike) cutter, should be formed a direction for further location of bone cavity. 1500 rpm recommended.

Picture 5. Using bone drill 2.5 mm diameter, bone cavity of appropriate diameter shall be formed. Not more than 1000 rpm recommended.

Picture 6. Then, using bone drill 2.75 mm or 3.0 mm diameter, bone cavity shall be widened. Then final drilling up to the diameter of implant takes place. If, for example, the final diameter of implant is 3.6 mm, final drill should be 3.0 mm in diameter. For 4 mm implant – 3.5 mm drill, for 4.6 mm implant – 4 mm drill, for 5 mm implant – 4.5 mm drill.

Doctor should keep in mind, that he has to use all intermediate drill diameters.
For example, if implant’s diameter is 5.0 mm, then order of used drills should be as follows: 2.5 mm → 2.75 mm → 3 mm → 3.5 mm → 4 mm → 4.5 mm.

If doctor is facing a hard bone (type I), additional drills diameter 3.35, 3.75, 4.35 and 4.75 mm should be used in a corresponding way.

We recommend to use 800 rpm during this stage.

Intensive irrigation without high pressure is required during all the procedure of preparing a bone cavity.

Picture 7. Using plastic carrier, implant shall be placed into the bone cavity and fixed with 1-3 turns clockwise.

Picture 8. Plastic implant holder shall be removed and utilized.


Picture 9-10. Implant shall be installed into it’s final position using implant key and reversing spanner. 20-25 N * cm torque shall be applied.

Picture 11. Healing screw shall be screwed into the implant using hex key 1.2 mm and torque of 15 N * cm

Picture 12. Mucosa shall be appropriately fixed with atraumatic suture material.

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